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Rachel and Bryan – Engagement at Christopher Newport University

Great time shooting an engagement session for my new couple, Rachel and Ryan last weekend. We were worried that we will have to reschedule because of the weather, making rainy day plans… The weather couldn’t be better! University is situated in the heart of Newport News. With beautiful architecture with grand columns and arches, connected...

Crystal & Stephan G. Wedding

Huge congratulations to yesterday’s newlyweds Crystal and Stephen G. Hot but otherwise beautiful day. When I first mentioned a “First Look” session for their wedding day, Chrystal got very excited, but wanted some shots with lots of greenery – this by itself is nothing that is too hard to find in this region, but she also wanted...

Pesach (Passover) with Chabad Virginia Beach

The eight-day Jewish holiday of Passover is celebrated in the early spring, from the 15th through the 22nd of the Hebrew month of Nissan, April 15 – 23, 2022. Passover (Pesach) commemorates the emancipation of the Israelites from slavery in ancient Egypt. Pesach is observed by avoiding leaven, and highlighted by the Seder meals that...

Purim at Chabad Virginia Beach

“The jolly Jewish holiday of Purim is celebrated every year on the 14th of the Hebrew month of Adar (late winter/early spring). Purim 2022 began on Wednesday night, March 16 and continued through Thursday, March 17, (extending through Friday in Jerusalem). It commemorates the (Divinely orchestrated) salvation of the Jewish people in the ancient Persian...

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